Saturday, October 20, 2018

"In the face of fear" Omaha Beach

"In the Face of Fear"

The Image I have chosen depicts American Soldiers in a landing craft at Normandy. This picture was taken on June 6th, 1944 at Omaha beach in northern France. This picture depicts the allied invasion of Germany's "Fortress Europe" during World War Two.  The Battle of Normandy consisted of five amphibious landings across the beaches of France, combined with airborne landings on the previous night.  The image of the beach landing depicts the character of the soldiers involved and America as a whole.
                The surface level of the soldiers themselves says a lot about this photo. Looking at the gear they are carrying, it seems that they are members of the U.S. Army. Their faces look young, depicting that it is a good chance they are either volunteers, or have been drafted. Imagine being in your late teens and early twenties and entering combat for the first time at Omaha beach. They must feel terrified, but still they approach shore in the face of chaos.  They look to be in a follow up wave approaching the beach; crafts from the prior waves are visible in the distance. If one were to look at this image as an American citizen in 1944, they would not only be proud of their fellow citizens for fighting for their country, but also be thankful of their country staring evil in the face and not backing down. The American fighting man in World War Two is an ultimate testament to individual patriotism and bravery.
Not only is this image a testament to American soldiers in World War Two but also illustrates what America is. This image seems to be a personification of the American spirit. When faced with obstacles, America has never hesitated to be in front and storm the beach.  The world looks to America for leadership; we are at our best when we lead from the front. In World War Two, we were not the first country to fight, but when our time came, we saw the job through. This image is timeless in its representation of America never giving up, and having a wining spirit to make it through tough time. That is something that will continue to unite our country despite all the differences we all have, we will always be American. This picture sends the message, in the end; America will always overcome adversity and come out a winner. Even today, America is seen as a power of good fighting the righteous fight against evil forces in the world. America is the tower on the hill that people look at for support. Like in both World Wars, America will be there to answer the call. The men in the boat are all from different backgrounds but one common bond brings them together, they are Americans.
                Something about this image seemed to just speak to me. It not only presents the courage of a group of soldiers in World War Two, it represents America's place in the world.  The beach they are taking is the source of evil in the world. America and other good willed countries will take this head on and storm the beaches no matter the cost. Although it may not appear that way, the American spirit remains strong, in times of crisis it will prevail.  Being able to capture images of war on film has both hindered and helped public opinion. In this case, I feel this image is a testament to facing danger in the name of doing what needs to be done for the greater good. Like the militia during our founding, and the soldiers fighting against terror today, the ideas have not changed. The American soldier has always been seen as a force fighting for what is just. This image just captures a specific instance one of times where America was at the vanguard of what is right. In the future from now, this picture will have the same message that it brings today. America can always succeed if we come together for a common beneficial cause.  I hope in the future, we do not become a force of evil in the world, but remain a bastion of sanity.

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